Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2018-09-07
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import contextlib
import enum
import functools
import inspect
import json
import logging
import re

from typing import (

    from clu.base import MessageCode

__all__ = [

REPLY = 5  # REPLY logging level
WARNING_REGEX = r"^.*?\s*?(\w*?Warning): (.*)"

[docs] class Maskbit(enum.Flag): """A maskbit enumeration. Intended for subclassing.""" @property def active_bits(self) -> List[Maskbit]: """Returns a list of non-combination flags that match the value.""" return [ bit for bit in self.__class__ # type: ignore if ((bit.value & self.value) and bin(bit.value).count("1") == 1) ]
COMMAND_STATUS_TO_CODE: Dict[str, str] = { "DONE": ":", "CANCELLED": "f", "FAILED": "f", "TIMEDOUT": "f", "READY": "i", "RUNNING": ">", "CANCELLING": "w", "FAILING": "w", "DEBUG": "d", }
[docs] class CommandStatus(Maskbit): DONE = CANCELLED = FAILED = TIMEDOUT = READY = RUNNING = CANCELLING = FAILING = DEBUG = ACTIVE_STATES = RUNNING | CANCELLING | FAILING FAILED_STATES = CANCELLED | FAILED | TIMEDOUT FAILING_STATES = CANCELLING | FAILING DONE_STATES = DONE | FAILED_STATES ALL_STATES = READY | ACTIVE_STATES | DONE_STATES def __init__(self, *args): self.code: str | None if and in COMMAND_STATUS_TO_CODE: self.code = COMMAND_STATUS_TO_CODE[] else: self.code = None @property def is_combination(self) -> bool: """Returns True if a flag is a combination.""" assert isinstance(self.value, int) if bin(self.value).count("1") > 1: return True return False @property def did_fail(self) -> bool: """Command failed or was cancelled.""" return self in self.FAILED_STATES @property def did_succeed(self) -> bool: """Command finished with DONE status.""" return self == self.DONE @property def is_active(self) -> bool: """Command is running, cancelling or failing.""" return self in self.ACTIVE_STATES @property def is_done(self) -> bool: """Command is done (whether successfully or not).""" return self in self.DONE_STATES @property def is_failing(self) -> bool: """Command is being cancelled or is failing.""" return self in self.FAILING_STATES
[docs] @staticmethod def code_to_status(code, default: Optional[CommandStatus] = None) -> CommandStatus: """Returns the status associated with a code. If the code doesn't have an associated status, returns ``default``. ``default`` defaults to `.CommandStatus.RUNNING`. """ statuses = { ":": CommandStatus.DONE, "f": CommandStatus.FAILED, "!": CommandStatus.FAILED, ">": CommandStatus.RUNNING, } return statuses.get(code, default or CommandStatus.RUNNING)
MaskbitType = TypeVar("MaskbitType", bound=Maskbit)
[docs] class StatusMixIn(Generic[MaskbitType]): """A mixin that provides status tracking with callbacks. Provides a status property that executes a list of callbacks when the status changes. Parameters ---------- maskbit_flags A class containing the available statuses as a series of maskbit flags. Usually as subclass of `enum.Flag`. initial_status The initial status. callback_func The function to call if the status changes. It receives the status. call_now Whether the callback function should be called when initialising. Attributes ---------- callbacks A list of the callback functions to call. """ def __init__( self, maskbit_flags: Type[MaskbitType], initial_status: Optional[MaskbitType] = None, callback_func: Optional[Callable[[MaskbitType], Any]] = None, call_now: bool = False, ): self.flags = maskbit_flags self.callbacks: List[Callable[[MaskbitType], Any]] = [] self._status: MaskbitType | None = initial_status self.watcher: Optional[asyncio.Event] = None if callback_func is not None: if isinstance(callback_func, (list, tuple)): self.callbacks = callback_func else: self.callbacks.append(callback_func) if call_now is True: self.do_callbacks()
[docs] def do_callbacks(self): """Calls functions in ``callbacks``.""" assert hasattr(self, "callbacks"), "missing callbacks attribute." loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() for func in self.callbacks: if self.status: loop.call_soon(func, self.status)
@property def status(self): """Returns the status.""" return self._status @status.setter def status(self, value): """Sets the status.""" if value != self._status: self._status = value self.do_callbacks() if self.watcher is not None: self.watcher.set()
[docs] async def wait_for_status(self, value): """Awaits until the status matches ``value``.""" if self.status == value: return self.watcher = asyncio.Event() while self.status != value: await self.watcher.wait() if self.watcher is not None: self.watcher.clear() self.watcher = None
[docs] class CallbackMixIn(object): """A mixin for executing callbacks. Parameters ---------- callbacks A list of functions or coroutines to be called. """ def __init__( self, callbacks: List[Callable[[Any], Any]] = [], loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, ): self._callbacks = [] for cb in callbacks: self.register_callback(cb) self._running = [] # Running callbacks
[docs] async def stop_callbacks(self): """Cancels any running callback task.""" for cb in self._running: if not cb.done(): cb.cancel() with contextlib.suppress(asyncio.CancelledError): for cb in self._running: await cb self._running = []
[docs] def register_callback(self, callback_func: Callable[..., Any]): """Adds a callback function or coroutine function.""" assert callable(callback_func), "callback_func must be a callable." self._callbacks.append(callback_func)
[docs] def remove_callback(self, callback_func: Callable[..., Any]): """Removes a callback function.""" assert ( callback_func in self._callbacks ), "callback_func is not in the list of callbacks." self._callbacks.remove(callback_func)
[docs] def notify(self, *args): """Calls the callback functions with some arguments. Coroutine callbacks are scheduled as a task. Synchronous callbacks are called immediately. """ if self._callbacks is None: return for cb in self._callbacks: n_args = len(inspect.getfullargspec(cb).args) if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cb): task = asyncio.create_task(cb(*args[:n_args])) self._running.append(task) # Auto-dispose of the task once it completes task.add_done_callback(self._running.remove) else: cb(*args[:n_args])
def dict_depth(d: dict) -> int: """Gets the depth of a dictionary.""" if isinstance(d, dict): return 1 + (max(map(dict_depth, d.values())) if d else 0) return 0 def format_value(value: Any) -> str: """Formats messages in a way that is compatible with the parser. Parameters ---------- value The data to be formatted. Returns ------- formatted_text A string with the escaped text. """ if isinstance(value, str): if " " in value and not (value.startswith("'") or value.startswith('"')): value = escape(value) # for char in ",/:_-": # if char in value: # value = escape(value) # break elif isinstance(value, bool): value = "T" if value else "F" elif isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): value = ",".join([format_value(item) for item in value]) elif isinstance(value, dict): if dict_depth(value) > 1: raise ValueError("Cannot format a dictionary with depth > 1.") value = format_value(list(value.values())) else: value = str(value) return value
[docs] def escape(value: Any): """Escapes a text using `json.dumps`.""" return json.dumps(value)
T = TypeVar("T")
[docs] class CaseInsensitiveDict(Dict[str, T]): """A dictionary that performs case-insensitive operations.""" def __init__(self, values: Any): self._lc = [] dict.__init__(self, values) self._lc = [key.lower() for key in values] assert len(set(self._lc)) == len( self._lc ), "the are duplicated items in the dict." def __get_key__(self, key): """Returns the correct value of the key, regardless of its case.""" try: idx = self._lc.index(key.lower()) except ValueError: return key return list(self)[idx] def __getitem__(self, key): return dict.__getitem__(self, self.__get_key__(key)) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key.lower() not in self._lc: self._lc.append(key.lower()) dict.__setitem__(self, key, value) else: dict.__setitem__(self, self.__get_key__(key), value) def __contains__(self, key): return dict.__contains__(self, self.__get_key__(key)) def __eq__(self, key): return dict.__eq__(self, self.__get_key__(key))
def cli_coro(f): """Decorator function that allows defining coroutines with click.""" def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): loop = asyncio.new_event_loop() return loop.run_until_complete(f(*args, **kwargs)) return functools.update_wrapper(wrapper, f) async def as_complete_failer( aws: List[Coroutine], on_fail_callback: Optional[Callable] = None, **kwargs, ) -> Tuple[bool, str | None]: """Similar to `~asyncio.as_complete` but cancels all the tasks if any of them returns `False`. Parameters ---------- aws A list of awaitable objects. If not a list, it will be wrapped in one. on_fail_callback A function or coroutine to call if any of the tasks failed. kwargs A dictionary of keywords to be passed to `~asyncio.as_complete`. Returns ------- result_tuple A tuple in which the first element is `True` if all the tasks completed, `False` if any of them failed and the rest were cancelled. If `False`, the second element is `None` if no exceptions were caught during the execution of the tasks, otherwise it contains the error message. If `True`, the second element is always `None`. """ if not isinstance(aws, (list, tuple)): aws = [aws] loop = kwargs.get("loop", asyncio.get_event_loop()) tasks = [loop.create_task(aw) for aw in aws] failed = False error_message = None for next_completed in asyncio.as_completed(tasks, **kwargs): try: result = await next_completed except Exception as ee: error_message = str(ee) result = False if not result: failed = True break if failed: # Cancel tasks [task.cancel() for task in tasks] with contextlib.suppress(BaseException): await asyncio.gather(*[task for task in tasks]) if on_fail_callback: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(on_fail_callback): await on_fail_callback() else: on_fail_callback() return (False, error_message) return (True, None) def log_reply( log: logging.Logger, message_code: MessageCode, message: str, use_message_code: bool = False, ): """Logs an actor message with the correct code.""" code_dict = { "f": logging.ERROR, "e": logging.ERROR, "w": logging.WARNING, "i": logging.INFO, ":": logging.INFO, "d": logging.DEBUG, } if use_message_code: log.log(code_dict[message_code.value], message) else: # Sets the REPLY log level log_level_no = REPLY if log_level_no in logging._levelToName: log_level = log_level_no else: log_level = logging.DEBUG log.log(log_level, message) _ActorClass = TypeVar("_ActorClass")
[docs] class ActorHandler(logging.Handler): """A handler that outputs log messages as actor keywords. Parameters ---------- actor The actor instance. level The level above which records will be output in the actor. keyword The keyword around which the messages will be output. code_mapping A mapping of logging levels to actor codes. The values provided override the default mapping. For example, to make input log messages with info level be output as debug, ``code_mapping={logging.INFO: 'd'}``. filter_warnings A list of warning classes that will be issued to the actor. Subclasses of the filter warning are accepted, any other warnings will be ignored. """ def __init__( self, actor, level: int = logging.ERROR, keyword: str = "text", code_mapping: Optional[Dict[int, str]] = None, filter_warnings: Optional[List[Type[Warning]]] = None, ): = actor self.keyword = keyword self.code_mapping = { logging.DEBUG: "d", logging.INFO: "i", logging.WARNING: "w", logging.ERROR: "e", } if code_mapping: self.code_mapping.update(code_mapping) self.filter_warnings = filter_warnings super().__init__(level=level)
[docs] def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord): """Emits the record.""" message = record.getMessage() message_lines = message.splitlines() if record.exc_info is not None and record.exc_info[0] is not None: message_lines.append(f"{record.exc_info[0].__name__}: {record.exc_info[1]}") if record.levelno <= logging.DEBUG: code = self.code_mapping[logging.DEBUG] elif record.levelno <= logging.INFO: code = self.code_mapping[logging.INFO] elif record.levelno <= logging.WARNING: code = self.code_mapping[logging.WARNING] warning_category_groups = re.match(WARNING_REGEX, message) if warning_category_groups is not None: message_lines = self._filter_warning(warning_category_groups) elif record.levelno >= logging.ERROR: code = self.code_mapping[logging.ERROR] else: code = "w" for line in message_lines: result =, message={self.keyword: line}) if asyncio.iscoroutine(result): asyncio.create_task(result)
def _filter_warning(self, warning_category_groups): warning_category, warning_text = warning_category_groups.groups() message_lines = [f"{warning_text} ({warning_category})"] try: if self.filter_warnings: for warning_filter in self.filter_warnings: if warning_category == warning_filter.__name__: return message_lines return [] except NameError: return message_lines