Using clients#

Clients allow to establish a connection to the central passing system and interact with the actor pool programmatically. As a reminder, all actors are also clients.

Clients subclass from the BaseClient class. Once a connection has been established, clients can send commands, await for them, and receive replies exactly in the same way as described in Actor communication. A minimal example of an AMQPClient would be

import asyncio
from clu.client import AMQPClient

async def main():

    client = AMQPClient(name="amqp_client", port=5672)
    await client.start()

    cmd = await client.send_command('archon', 'lvm status')
    if cmd.status.did_fail:
        raise RuntimeError('The command failed.')

    print('Command archon lvm status finished.')

if __name__ == "__main__":

For additional information about how to grab replies from the command, set callbacks, etc., refer to Actor communication.

Tron client#

TronConnection provides a client to the Tron message passign system. It works similarly to the AMQPClient with the exception of the commands that need to be passed to initialise it. For example

from clu.legacy.tron import TronConnection

tron = TronConnection('program.user', 'localhost', port=6093)
await tron.start()

Note that TronConnection.send_command has some specific additional parameters, although most of them are not relevant for normal use.