Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2019-05-13
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import logging
import pathlib
import warnings

from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, cast

import click

import clu
from import CluCommand

from import CustomTransportType
from ..base import BaseActor, MessageCode, Reply
from ..command import Command, TimedCommandList, parse_legacy_command
from ..parsers import ClickParser
from ..protocol import TCPStreamServer
from import log_reply
from .tron import TronConnection
from .types.messages import Reply as OpsReply

__all__ = ["LegacyActor", "BaseLegacyActor"]

T = TypeVar("T", bound="BaseLegacyActor")
PathLike = Union[str, pathlib.Path]

async def tron_reconnect(*args):
    """Reconnects to tron/hub."""

    command = args[0]

    if is None:
        return"Tron instance not set.")
    await asyncio.sleep(0.5)


    return command.finish()

[docs] class BaseLegacyActor(BaseActor): """An actor that provides compatibility with the SDSS opscore protocol. The TCP servers need to be started by awaiting the coroutine `.start`. Note that `.start` does not block so you will need to use asyncio's `.run_forever` or a similar system :: >>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() >>> my_actor = await LegacyActor('my_actor', '', 9999, loop=loop) >>> my_actor.start() >>> loop.run_forever() Parameters ---------- name The name of the actor. host The host where the TCP server will run. port The port of the TCP server. tron_host The host on which Tron is running. tron_port The port on which Tron is running. models A list of strings with the actors whose models will be tracked. version The version of the actor. loop The event loop. If `None`, the current event loop will be used. log_dir The directory where to store the logs. Defaults to ``$HOME/logs/<name>`` where ``<name>`` is the name of the actor. log A `~logging.Logger` instance to be used for logging instead of creating a new one. schema The path to the datamodel schema for the actor, in JSON Schema format. If the schema is provided all replies will be validated against it. An invalid reply will fail and not be emitted. The schema can also be set when subclassing by setting the class ``schema`` attribute. store Whether to store the output keywords in a `.KeywordStore`. `False` (the default), disables the feature. `True` will store a record of all the output keywords. A list of keyword names to store can also be passed. config A dictionary of configuration parameters that will be accessible to the actor. """ def __init__( self, name: str, host: str, port: int, tron_host: Optional[str] = None, tron_port: Optional[int] = None, models: List[str] = [], version: Optional[str] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, log_dir: Optional[PathLike] = None, log: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, verbose: bool = False, schema: Optional[PathLike] = None, store: bool | list[str] = False, additional_properties: bool = False, config: Dict[str, Any] = {}, ): super().__init__( name, version=version, loop=loop, log_dir=log_dir, log=log, verbose=verbose, schema=schema, additional_properties=additional_properties, config=config, store=store, ) #: Mapping of user_id to transport self.transports = dict() = host self.port = port # TCPStreamServer: The server to talk to this actor. self._server = TCPStreamServer( host, port, connection_callback=self.new_user, data_received_callback=self.new_command, ) if tron_host and tron_port: #: TronConnection: The client connection to Tron. self.tron = TronConnection( f"{}.{}", host=tron_host, port=tron_port, models=models, log=self.log, ) else: self.tron = None #: dict: Actor models. self.models = self.tron.models if self.tron else {} self.timed_commands = TimedCommandList(self) def __repr__(self): return ( f"<{str(self)} (name={!r}, host={!r}, port={self.port})>" )
[docs] async def start(self: T, get_keys: bool = True, start_nubs: bool = True) -> T: """Starts the server and the Tron client connection. Parameters ---------- get_keys Whether to issue ``keys getFor`` commands against the hub to retrieve the current values for the model keys. start_nubs If `True`, and a `.TronConnection` has been created, sends a ``hub startNubs <name>`` where ``<name>`` is the name of the actor to attempt to automatically connect it to the hub. """ self.set_loop_exception_handler() await self._server.start()"running TCP server on {}:{self.port}") # Start tron connection try: if self.tron: await self.tron.start(get_keys=get_keys) f"started tron connection at {}:{self.tron.port}" ) if start_nubs: self.log.debug("Asking Tron to connect back.") await self.send_command("hub", f"startNubs {}") else: warnings.warn( "starting LegacyActor without Tron connection.", clu.CluWarning, ) except (ConnectionRefusedError, OSError) as ee: warnings.warn( f"connection to tron was refused: {ee}. " "Some functionality will be limited.", clu.CluWarning, ) self.timed_commands.start() return self
[docs] async def stop(self): """Stops the client connection and running tasks.""" if self._server.is_serving(): self._server.stop() await self.timed_commands.stop() if self.tron: self.tron.stop()
[docs] async def run_forever(self): """Runs the actor forever, keeping the loop alive.""" await self._server.serve_forever()
[docs] def new_user(self, transport: CustomTransportType): """Assigns userID to new client connection.""" if transport.is_closing(): if hasattr(transport, "user_id"): self.log.debug(f"user {transport.user_id} disconnected.") return self.transports.pop(transport.user_id) curr_ids: set[int] = set(self.transports.keys()) user_id = 1 if len(curr_ids) == 0 else max(curr_ids) + 1 transport.user_id = user_id self.transports[user_id] = transport # report user information and additional info self.show_new_user_info(user_id) return
[docs] def new_command(self, transport: CustomTransportType, command_str: bytes): """Handles a new command received by the actor.""" user_id = getattr(transport, "user_id", 0) command_str_s = command_str.decode().strip() if not command_str_s: return try: commander_id, command_id, command_body = parse_legacy_command(command_str_s) command = Command( command_string=command_body, commander_id=commander_id or user_id, command_id=command_id,, actor=self, transport=transport, ) except clu.CommandError: self.write( "f", {"error": f"Could not parse command {command_str_s!r}"}, ) return f"New command received: {command_body !r} " f"(commander_id={commander_id!r}, command_id={command_id!r})" ) return self.parse_command(command)
[docs] @staticmethod def format_user_output( user_id: int, command_id: int, message_code: MessageCode, msg_str: Optional[str] = None, ) -> str: """Formats a string to send to users.""" msg_str = "" if msg_str is None else " " + msg_str return f"{user_id} {command_id:d} {message_code.value:s}{msg_str:s}"
[docs] def show_new_user_info(self, user_id: int): """Shows information for new users. Called when a new user connects.""" self.show_user_info(user_id) self.show_version(user_id=user_id) transport = self.transports[user_id] peername = transport.get_extra_info("peername")[0] self.log.debug(f"user {user_id} connected from {peername!r}.")
[docs] def show_user_info(self, user_id: int): """Shows user information including your user_id.""" num_users = len(self.transports) if num_users == 0: return msg = {"yourUserID": user_id, "num_users": num_users} self.write("i", msg, user_id=user_id) self.show_user_list()
[docs] def show_user_list(self): """Shows a list of connected users. Broadcast to all users.""" user_id_list = sorted(self.transports.keys()) for user_id in user_id_list: transport = self.transports[user_id] peername = transport.get_extra_info("peername")[0] msg = {"UserInfo": [user_id, peername]} self.write("i", msg)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_user_command_id( command: Optional[Command] = None, user_id: int = 0, command_id: int = 0, ) -> Tuple[int, int]: """Returns commander_id, command_id based on user-supplied information. Parameters ---------- command User command; used as a default for ``user_id`` and ``command_id``. user_id If `None` then use ``command.user_id``. command_id If `None` then use ``command.command_id``. Returns ------- user_id, command_id The commander ID and the command ID, parsed from the inputs. If they cannot be determined, returns zeros. """ cid = cast(int, command.command_id) if command else 0 user_id = user_id or cid command_id = command_id or cid return (user_id, command_id)
[docs] def show_version(self, user_id: int = 0): """Shows actor version.""" msg = {"version": repr(self.version)} self.write("i", msg, user_id=user_id)
[docs] def send_command( self, target: str, command_string: str, *args, commander: Optional[str] = None, command_id: Optional[int] = None, command: Optional[Command] = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[OpsReply], None]] = None, time_limit: Optional[float] = None, ): """Sends a command through the hub. Parameters ---------- target The actor to command. command_string The command to send. args Arguments to concatenate to the command string. commander The commander string to send to Tron. If not provided, a valid string is built using the name of the actor and the target. command_id The command id. If `None`, a sequentially increasing value will be used. You should not specify a ``command_id`` unless you really know what you're doing. callback A callback to invoke with each reply received from the actor. time_limit A delay after which the command is marked as timed out and done. Examples -------- These two are equivalent :: >>> actor.send_command('my_actor', 'do_something --now') >>> actor.send_command('my_actor', 'do_something', '--now') """ if command and isinstance(command.commander_id, str): commander = command.commander_id else: commander = None if self.tron and self.tron.connected(): command = self.tron.send_command( target, command_string, *args, commander=commander, mid=command_id, callback=callback, time_limit=time_limit, ) return command else: raise clu.CluError("cannot connect to tron.")
[docs] def write( self, message_code: MessageCode | str = "i", message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, command: Optional[Command] = None, user_id: int = 0, command_id: int = 0, concatenate: bool = True, broadcast: bool = False, validate: bool = True, write_to_log: bool = True, **kwargs, ): """Writes a message to user(s). Parameters ---------- message_code The message code (e.g., ``'i'`` or ``':'``). message The keywords to be output. Must be a dictionary of pairs ``{keyword: value}``. If ``value`` is a list it will be converted into a comma-separated string. To prevent unexpected casting, it is recommended for ``value`` to always be a string. command User command; used as a default for ``user_id`` and ``command_id``. If the command is done, it is ignored. user_id The user (transport) to which to write. `None` defaults to 0. command_id If `None` then use ``command.command_id``. concatenate Concatenates all the keywords to be output in a single reply with the keyword-values joined with semicolons. Otherwise each keyword will be output as a different message. broadcast Whether to broadcast the reply. Equivalent to ``user_id=0``. validate Validate the reply against the actor model. This is ignored if the actor was not started with knowledge of its own schema. write_to_log Whether to write the reply to the log. Defaults to yes but it may be useful to prevent large repetitive replies cluttering the log. kwargs Keyword arguments that will be added to the message. If a keyword is both in ``message`` and in ``kwargs``, the value in ``kwargs`` supersedes ``message``. """ message_code = MessageCode(message_code) reply = BaseActor.write( self, message_code=message_code, message=message, command=command, broadcast=broadcast, validate=validate, emit=False, expand_exceptions=False, **kwargs, ) if kwargs.get("silent", False) is False: self._write_internal( reply, user_id=user_id, command_id=command_id, concatenate=concatenate, write_to_log=write_to_log, )
def _write_internal( self, reply: Reply, user_id=0, command_id=0, concatenate=True, write_to_log: bool = True, ): """Writes reply to users. Parameters ---------- reply The reply object to output to users. user_id The user to which we are replying. command_id The command emitting this message. write_to_log Whether to write the reply to the log. Defaults to yes but it may be useful to prevent large repetitive replies cluttering the log. """ command = cast(Command, reply.command) message = reply.message # For a reply, the commander ID is the user assigned to the transport # that issues this command. transport = command.transport if command else None user_id = (transport.user_id if transport else None) or user_id if reply.broadcast: user_id = 0 command_id = 0 user_id, command_id = self.get_user_command_id( command=command, user_id=user_id, command_id=command_id, ) lines = [] for keyword in message: try: value = clu.format_value(message[keyword]) except BaseException as err: raise TypeError(f"Cannot format keyword {keyword!r} " + str(err)) if value.strip() == "": lines.append(f"{keyword}") else: lines.append(f"{keyword}={value}") if concatenate: lines = ["; ".join(lines)] for line in lines: full_msg_str = self.format_user_output( user_id, command_id, reply.message_code, line, ) msg = (full_msg_str + "\n").encode() if user_id is None or user_id == 0 or transport is None: for transport in self.transports.values(): transport.write(msg) else: global_transport = self.transports.get(transport.user_id, None) if global_transport is not None and global_transport == transport: transport.write(msg) if self.log and write_to_log: log_reply(self.log, reply.message_code, full_msg_str)
[docs] class LegacyActor(ClickParser, BaseLegacyActor): """A legacy actor that uses the `.ClickParser`.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) if self.tron: self.parser.add_command(tron_reconnect)