Source code for clu.client

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Author: José Sánchez-Gallego (
# @Date: 2020-07-30
# @Filename:
# @License: BSD 3-clause (

from __future__ import annotations

import asyncio
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import uuid
import warnings
from copy import deepcopy

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Awaitable, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import aio_pika as apika

from sdsstools.logger import SDSSLogger

from clu.exceptions import CluWarning

from .base import BaseClient, Reply
from .command import Command
from .model import ModelSet
from .protocol import TopicListener
from .tools import CommandStatus

    from import HeadersType

__all__ = ["AMQPClient", "AMQPReply"]

PathLike = Union[str, pathlib.Path]
ReplyCallbackType = Callable[["AMQPReply"], Union[None, Awaitable[None]]]

[docs] class AMQPReply(object): """Wrapper for an `~aio_pika.IncomingMessage` that expands and decodes it. Parameters ---------- message The message that contains the reply. log A message logger. Attributes ---------- is_valid Whether the message is valid and correctly parsed. body The body of the message, as a JSON dictionary. info The info dictionary. headers The headers of the message, decoded if they are bytes. message_code The message code. internal Whether this reply was marked internal. sender The name of the actor that sends the reply. command_id The command ID. """ def __init__( self, message:, log: Optional[logging.Logger] = None, ): self.command_id: str | None = None self.message_code: str = "" self.body = {} self.message = message self._log = log self.is_valid = True = self.headers = dict("headers", {})) self.message_code = str(self.headers.get("message_code", "")) if self.message_code == "": self.is_valid = False if self._log: self._log.warning(f"received message without message_code: {message}") return self.internal = bool(self.headers.get("internal", False)) self.sender = self.headers.get("sender", None) if self.sender is None and self._log: self._log.warning(f"received message without sender: {message}") self.command_id = message.correlation_id command_id_header = self.headers.get("command_id", None) if command_id_header and command_id_header != self.command_id: if self._log: self._log.error( f"mismatch between message " f"correlation_id={self.command_id} " f"and header command_id={command_id_header} " f"in message {message}" ) self.is_valid = False return self.body = json.loads(self.message.body)
[docs] class AMQPClient(BaseClient): """Defines a new client based on the AMQP standard. To start a new client first instantiate the class and then run `.start` as a coroutine. Note that `.start` does not block so you will need to use asyncio's ``run_forever`` or a similar system :: >>> loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() >>> client = await AMQPClient('my_client', host='localhost').start() >>> loop.run_forever() Parameters ---------- name The name of the client. url RFC3986 formatted broker address. When used, the other connection keyword arguments are ignored. user The user to connect to the AMQP broker. Defaults to ``guest``. password The password for the user. Defaults to ``guest``. host The host where the AMQP message broker runs. Defaults to ``localhost``. virtualhost Virtualhost parameter. ``'/'`` by default. port The port on which the AMQP broker is running. Defaults to 5672. ssl Whether to use TLS/SSL connection. version The version of the client. loop The event loop. If `None`, the current event loop will be used. log_dir The directory where to store the logs. Defaults to ``$HOME/logs/<name>`` where ``<name>`` is the name of the actor. log A `~logging.Logger` instance to be used for logging instead of creating a new one. parser A click command parser that is a subclass of `~clu.parser.CluGroup`. If `None`, the active parser will be used. models A list of actor models whose schemas will be monitored. """ __EXCHANGE_NAME__ = "sdss_exchange" def __init__( self, name: str | None = None, url: Optional[str] = None, user: str = "guest", password: str = "guest", host: str = "localhost", port: int = 5672, virtualhost: str = "/", ssl: bool = False, version: Optional[str] = None, loop: Optional[asyncio.AbstractEventLoop] = None, log_dir: Optional[PathLike] = None, log: Optional[SDSSLogger] = None, models: List[str] = [], **kwargs, ): if name is None: name = "amqp-client-" + str(uuid.uuid4()).split("-")[-1] super().__init__( name, version=version, loop=loop, log_dir=log_dir, log=log, **kwargs, ) self.replies_queue = None # Creates the connection to the AMQP broker self.connection = TopicListener( url=url, user=user, password=password, host=host, port=port, ssl=ssl, virtualhost=virtualhost, ) #: dict: External commands currently running. self.running_commands: Dict[str, Command] = {} self.models = ModelSet(self, actors=models, raise_exception=False) self._callbacks: list[ReplyCallbackType] = [] def __repr__(self): if self.connection.connection is None: url = "disconnected" else: assert isinstance(self.connection.connection, apika.Connection) url = str(self.connection.connection.url) return f"<{str(self)} (name={!r}, {url})>"
[docs] async def start(self, exchange_name: str = __EXCHANGE_NAME__): """Starts the connection to the AMQP broker.""" self.set_loop_exception_handler() # Starts the connection and creates the exchange await self.connection.connect(exchange_name) # Binds the replies queue. self.replies_queue = await self.connection.add_queue( f"{}_replies", callback=self.handle_reply, bindings=["reply.#"], ) if self.connection.connection: assert isinstance(self.connection.connection, apika.Connection) url = self.connection.connection.url else: url = "???" self.log.debug(f"Replies queue {!r} bound to {url!s}") # Initialises the models. await self.models.load_schemas() return self
[docs] async def stop(self): """Cancels queues and closes the connection.""" if self.connection.connection and not self.connection.connection.is_closed: await self.connection.stop()
[docs] def is_connected(self): """Is the client connected to the exchange?""" return self.connection.connection and not self.connection.connection.is_closed
[docs] async def run_forever(self): """Runs the event loop forever.""" assert self.connection.connection while not self.connection.connection.is_closed: await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def __aenter__(self): """Starts the client inside a context manager.""" try: if not self.is_connected(): await self.start() except Exception: await self.stop() async def __aexit__(self, *_): """Exits the context manager.""" await self.stop()
[docs] async def handle_reply( self, message:, ) -> AMQPReply: """Handles a reply received from the exchange. Creates a new instance of `.AMQPReply` from the ``message``. If the reply is valid it updates any running command. Parameters ---------- message The message received. Returns ------- reply The `.AMQPReply` object created from the message. """ reply = AMQPReply(message, log=self.log) await reply.message.ack() if not reply.is_valid: self.log.error("Invalid message received.") return reply # Update the models if self.models and reply.sender in self.models: self.models[reply.sender].update_model(reply.body) # If the command is running we check if the message code indicates # the command is done and, if so, sets the result in the Future. # Also, add the reply to the command list of replies. if reply.command_id and reply.command_id in self.running_commands: command = self.running_commands[reply.command_id] command.replies.append( Reply( message=reply.body, message_code=reply.message_code, command=command, internal=reply.internal, validated=True, ) ) if command._reply_callback is not None: command._reply_callback(reply) status = CommandStatus.code_to_status(reply.message_code) if command.status != status: command.set_status(status) if status.is_done: if not command.done(): command.set_result(command) del self.running_commands[reply.command_id] # Handle reply callbacks. for cb in self._callbacks: if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(cb): asyncio.create_task(cb(reply)) else: cb(reply) return reply
[docs] async def send_command( self, consumer: str, command_string: str, *args, command_id: str | None = None, callback: Optional[Callable[[AMQPReply], None]] = None, internal: bool = False, command: Optional[Command] = None, time_limit: Optional[float] = None, await_command: bool = True, ): """Commands another actor over its RCP queue. Parameters ---------- consumer The actor we are commanding. command_string The command string that will be parsed by the remote actor. args Arguments to concatenate to the command string. command_id The command ID associated with this command. If empty, an unique identifier will be attached. callback A callback to invoke with each reply received from the actor. internal Whether to mark the command as internal, in which case replies will also be considered internal. command The `.Command` that initiated the new command. Only relevant for actors. time_limit A delay after which the command is marked as timed out and done. await_command If `True`, awaits the command until it finishes. Examples -------- These two are equivalent :: >>> client.send_command('my_actor', 'do_something --now') >>> client.send_command('my_actor', 'do_something', '--now') """ if command and command.command_id: command_id = str(command.command_id) else: command_id = command_id or str(uuid.uuid4()) if len(args) > 0: command_string += " " + " ".join(map(str, args)) if command and isinstance(command.commander_id, str): commander_id = command.commander_id + f".{consumer}" else: commander_id = f"{}.{consumer}" internal = command.internal if command else internal # Creates and registers a command. command = Command( command_string=command_string, command_id=command_id, commander_id=commander_id, consumer_id=consumer, internal=internal, actor=None, reply_callback=callback, time_limit=time_limit, ) self.running_commands[command_id] = command headers = { "command_id": command_id, "commander_id": commander_id, "internal": internal, } message_body = {"command_string": command_string} await self._publish_message( consumer, headers=headers, body=message_body, correlation_id=command_id, ) if await_command: await command return command
async def _publish_message( self, consumer: str, headers: HeadersType = {}, body: dict[str, Any] = {}, correlation_id: str | None = None, ): """Publishes a message to an exchange.""" if not hasattr(self.connection, "exchange"): warnings.warn( f"Exchange is not ready to output message: {body}", CluWarning, ) return assert self.replies_queue # The routing key has the topic command and the name of the commanded actor. routing_key = f"command.{consumer}" try: await apika.Message( json.dumps(body).encode(), content_type="text/json", headers=headers, correlation_id=correlation_id,, ), routing_key=routing_key, ) except (apika.exceptions.DeliveryError, apika.exceptions.PublishError): # The consumer (actor) did not reply. This usually means that the actor # is not connected. We fake a reply from that actor saying so. That will # be received by handle_reply which will fail the current command. error_msg = dict(error=f"Failed routing message to consumer {consumer!r}.") headers.update({"message_code": "f", "sender": consumer}) await apika.Message( json.dumps(error_msg).encode(), content_type="text/json", headers=headers, correlation_id=correlation_id, ), routing_key=f"reply.{}", )
[docs] async def send_task( self, consumer: str, task_name: str, payload: dict[str, Any] = {}, **kwargs, ): """ Parameters ---------- consumer The actor we are commanding. task_name The task to execute in the remote actor payload A serialisable dictionary with the payload to pass to the task. kwargs Additional arguments used to update the payload dictionary. """ assert self.replies_queue payload = deepcopy(payload) payload.update(kwargs) headers = {"commander_id": f"{}.{consumer}", "task": True} message_body = {"task": task_name} message_body.update(payload) correlation_id = str(uuid.uuid4()) await self._publish_message( consumer, headers=headers, body=message_body, correlation_id=correlation_id, )
[docs] def add_reply_callback(self, callback_func: ReplyCallbackType): """Adds a callback that is called when a new reply is received.""" if callback_func not in self._callbacks: self._callbacks.append(callback_func)
[docs] def remove_reply_callback(self, callback_func: ReplyCallbackType): """Removes a reply callback.""" if callback_func not in self._callbacks: raise ValueError("Callback not registered.") self._callbacks.remove(callback_func)